Friday, November 23, 2007

Helping the Uninsured--New Maryland Law is a Step in the Right Direction

The Maryland General Assembly passed a new law that will provide health insurance by expanding Medicaid to about 140,000 Maryland residents who were previously uninsured. This is a huge step in the right direction. It is estimated that about 14% of Maryland residents do not have health insurance. While this new law only provides coverage to a fraction of these people, it is a step in the right direction and it shows that the O'Malley Administration and the Maryland legislature are aware of the problem and are actively taking steps to address it. Of course the bill was opposed by big business groups. This is no surprise. The bill can be seen at:

Many of our clients do not have health insurance and this is a true tragedy. These people are unable to get regular checkups (and necessary medications), and when they do get sick or have an injury that requires them to go to the hospital emergency room, they are financially wiped out by the bills. We fight for the uninsured. If people without health insurance are injured as a result of someone else's neglgigence, we pursue legal claims against those repsonsible so as to make sure that our clients can get the care that they need, and pay for the care without becoming financially devastated. We work with many medical providers who agree to provide care to our injured clients with the understanding that they will not get paid until the legal case is resolved.

If you or your family members have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, call us for a free telephone consultation at 301-589-2999.