Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dangerous Toys-Lead Paint and Choking Hazards

Mattel recently issued at least three toy recalls relating to toys that have excessive amounts of lead paint on them and toys that are choking hazards. These recalls are done with the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the manufacturers of these toys. According to MSNBC about 9 million items have been recalled. The scary thing is that the toys recalled are some of the most popular toys out there. The dangerous toys that may be subject to the recall include: (i) Sesame Street toys including Elmo and Big Bird (ii) Barbie toys, (iii) Dora the Explorer Toys, (iv) Batman Toys, (v) Bongo Band Toys and (vi) Sarge Toys (there are many others as well).

I have a two year old and have noticed that many of these dangerous toys are lurking in my house. It is inexcusable that the U.S. toy industry allowed this to happen and have spewed these dangerous toys into the marketplace. The recalls, while better than nothing, will not prevent many children from being exposed to these dangerous products, and I fear that there will be catastrophic injuries and deaths as as result of this fiasco.

Lead paint is very toxic to children and it causes permanent brain damage, learning disabilities and neuropsychological injuries. It is important that if you believe your child has been exposed to lead paint that you get your child tested because the effects of exposure may not be immediately noticeable.

The hazard with other toys is that there are magnets in the toys that can become choking hazards. If a child were to somehow swallow two of the magnets, it can cause severe internal injuries including organ lacerations.

If your child has been injured or killed by a dangerous toy, the attorneys at our law firm may be able to help you. Also, if you belive that your child has been exposed to dangerous levels of lead paint, and if that exposure caused brain damage, we may be able to help as well. We will fight to hold those responsible for letting these dangerous prouducts get into the marketplace accountable. Call us toll free at 888-213-8140 for a free telephone consultation.